Alexandria Smiles

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Dental Care for Adults

What to Expect and How to Prevent Dental Problems that Come with Age

Age is just a number, but your smile is forever!

Each year, our teeth are exposed to hundreds upon thousands of different foods, drinks, and other substances. This means that even if we’re consistent in our dental hygiene routines, other factors like medications, genetics, and age itself may cause potentially dangerous problems in our mouths. This means that taking care of your teeth actually becomes more important as you age!

We’re highlighting some of the most common issues found in older adults. By the end of this blog, you’ll be armed with information on how to prevent, spot the symptoms, and treat these aging ailments.

7 Common Age-Related Conditions

It’s no surprise that as we age, our bodies change with us, and this includes your teeth too! Although it’s important to maintain your regular dental appointments and cleanings, some oral issues can be caused by things we can’t prevent like necessary treatments such as chemotherapy, side effects from medications and more.

No matter who you are, time takes a toll on our smiles. Here are just a few of the most common changes you might see with age:

Symptoms You May Experience Over Time

Remember - it isn’t bad to have teeth that aren’t perfectly white, as long as they’re healthy!

Darkened or Yellowed Teeth
Years of exposure to stain-causing foods and drinks damages our dentin and thins the outer enamel of our teeth which, in turn, alters the color of our smile.

When adult teeth go missing, it can change the entire appearance of our jawbones.

Uneven Jawbones
When we don’t replace missing adult teeth that may fall out over time, the open space is filled by other teeth shifting into place and changing our bite. Without replacing missing teeth, bone loss and atrophy can develop causing uneven jawbones and mouth shape.

If a when our gums recede, the root becomes more exposed increasing your chances of losing the tooth. In cases of extreme gum recession, surgery may be required to repair the gumline.

Tooth Loss and Root Decay
With age, our roots are exposed to more acids that cause decay. This can also happen due to our roots being exposed because of increased gum recession.

With age, our senses tend to decrease, including our sense of taste.

Loss of Taste
Age often impairs our sense of taste and can be heightened from diseases, medications, and the use of dentures or other dental appliances.

Avoid thrush and other bad bacteria from developing in your mouth by keeping your dentures clean!

An increase of the fungus Candida albican can cause inflammation of our mouth tissues either from denture use or side effects from our immune systems triggered by medications.

Dry mouth can be caused by a variety of things including medications and chemotherapy.

Dry Mouth
The reduction of saliva production in our mouths can be caused by medical treatments such as chemotherapy or side effects from medications.

Smoking and tobacco use is a huge contributor to gum disease!

Gum Disease
The older we get, the longer our mouths are exposed to food trapped in our teeth, ill-fitted dental appliances, poor diets, diseases, and for those who use it, tobacco usage. Over time, all of these elements increase the chance of developing gum disease.

How to Avoid Problems

One of the easiest things you can do to prevent the severity of these symptoms is keeping a regular dental hygiene routine. By properly brushing and flossing each day, you’ll be adding life to your smile year after year.

It’s always wise to ask your dentist about any questions or concerns you may have about your oral health.

Another way to steer clear of age-related dental mishaps, is by seeing a dentist at least every 6 months. Dentists are trained to spot symptoms that even you can’t see and with their keen eye and wealth of knowledge, serious issues like mouth cancer, cavities, and other health issues can be found before serious treatment is required.

For those suffering from conditions brought on by age, medications, or otherwise, ask your dentist for advice! Opening up a dialogue with dental health professionals is key to maintaining good oral hygiene. Depending on the condition, you may be recommended to take on the use of topical fluoride such as daily mouth rinses, toothpaste with higher fluoride content, or varnish application. You might even get some helpful dietary suggestions too!

Dedicated to Dental Care for ALL Ages

No matter your age, our care team at Alexandria Smiles believes in providing excellent dental care!

Once our adult teeth are in place, a common misconception that often follows people well into adulthood is that the job of dentistry is done. This is not true! In order to keep a healthy smile that lasts throughout your life, seeing a dentist regularly and sticking to a dental hygiene routine is paramount for success.

Remember - you only get one set of adult teeth, which means it’s never too late to start taking proper care of them for a lifetime of smiles!

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